
Just enough HTML, CSS, and JS to start building browser-based interfaces for connected devices

Positioning & Layout with CSS
HTML input types
Responsive layout example
HTML Project template
JavaScript Fetch example
Fetch example with node.js server
QRCode example
QRCode with custom Query String
Local Web Server
HTML Dashboard for incoming device data
Communications Protocols
Hardware APIs
Web Bluetooth
WebSocket Example
Serialport example (p5.serial)
WebSerial example (no p5.serial)
Geolocation example
Sensor API example

This project is maintained by tigoe

Connected Device Data Dashboard

The examples in this directory show how to connect a WiFi-connected microcontroller to a web page using a few command line tools. To make the most of this tutorial, you should understand:

You’ll need:

TCP Socket or UDP Packet Connections

The Arduino WiFi libraries are capable of making transport-layer connections to remote hosts via TCP and UDP. For TCP, the WiFiTCPClientLogger example shows how to make a TCP connection to a remote host on port 8080, and to send data as a JSON string once every five seconds. For UDP packets, the WiFiUDPClientLogger example does the same, but using UDP instead of TCP. You can use either one as long as you use the corresponding netcat command below.

Connecting to Netcat

To test this on your own computer, change the IP address in the example to your computer’s IP address and then upload it to your board. Then open a command line interface (Terminal on MacOS or Linux, WSL on Windows) and run the netcat command. Netcat is a command that lets you read from or write to network connections, similar to how the cat command lets you read from or write to filestreams on your computer.

Windows users, you may need to install netcat in the Linux shell on your Windows machine.

To check that netcat is installed on any system, type:

$ which nc

By convention, whenever you see $ at the beginning of the line in these examples, it represents the command prompt. You don’t need to type it.

You’ll get a reply telling you what dierectory it’s installed in, like this:


If it’s not installed, you can install it like so:

$ sudo apt install netcat

Once you know netcat is installed, you can run it to listen for incoming TCP connections on port 8080 like so:

$ nc -klw 2 8080

The -l flag will start netcat listening for incoming TCP connections on port 8080. The -k flag tells it to listen for multiple connections, and the -w flag gives each connection a 2 second idle timeout.

If you’re using UDP packets instead of TCP sockets, you call netCat like so:

$ nc -uklw 2 8080

The -u flag tells it to listen for UDP packets instead of TCP socket connections.

After a few seconds, you should see the readings from the Arduino sketch coming in. They’ll look like this:

{"sensor": 397}
{"sensor": 400}
{"sensor": 396}

Type control-C to stop netcat. This takes over your command line, so you can run it in the background like so:

$ nc -l 8080 &

This will cause the shell to start your process, print out the process ID (PID) number, and return to the command prompt. It will keep printing the output as well. If you want to kill the process now, type:

$ kill 32656

Replace 32656 with the process number of your process.

You can get a list of all your currently running processes and their process numbers like this:

$ ps -a

It doesn’t matter whether you’re using TCP socket connections or UDP packets for the next section, because once the data is in the log file, the HTTP server and client don’t care how the data got there.

Logging To A File

It would be useful to save the incoming sensor readings to a file.

You can redirect the output of any process using the redirect operators > and >>. If you want to overwrite the file, use >. If you want to append to the file, use >>. So to run netcat and redirect its output to a file, you can do this:

$ nc -l 8080 >> log.json &

If you open the file with a text editor, you’ll see the latest readings. It will look like this example.

You can also fork the output from the program to both a file and to the command line using the tee command. Here’s how:

$ nc -l 8080 | tee log.json

Of course, you can run it in the background with & like so:

$ nc -l 8080 | tee log.json &

Reading A File in JavaScript with Fetch

JavaScript’s fetch() command allows you to make HTTP calls from within a page, to add content to the page. If you’ve never used fetch before, this example may be helpful. MDN has a page describing the fetch API as well. This script makes a fetch call every 5 seconds, retreiving the log.json file and displaying it in a div of the HTML page in which the script is embedded.

To see this whole system in action:

  1. Start an Arduino running with theWiFiTCPClientLogger script.
  2. Download the index.html and script.js files into the same directory.
  3. On the command line change directories (cd) to the directory.
  4. Run netcat and python’s http.server script like so (python 2, for older systems):
$ nc -l 8080 >> log.json & python -m SimpleHTTPServer

On MacOS Monterey or any other operating system running Python 3, you can use this instead:

$ nc -l 8080 >> log.json & python3 -m http.server
  1. open the index page in a browser by going to http://localhost:8000.

Now you’ve got a rudimentary HTML dashboard for your data. Once you’ve fetched the data file, you can customize the display of it in HTML and JS as much as you wish. You can see the page in action at this link.