Light Projects

A collection LED control examples for Arduino

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Low-voltage DC Lamps
LED Strip Control
Addressable LEDs
  NeoPixel Library Quickstart
  Making Electronic Candles
Color Spaces
Light Rendering Indices
Pattern Making Telephone Dimmer for Philips Hue

This project is maintained by tigoe

Sky Lights

For a long time I’ve wanted to make indoor lights change with the light from the sky outside. Today, I had a free hour, so I built a test of it.

I started with a Philips Hue system we have installed at ITP, and a couple of Arduino Nano 33 IoT modules. Nun and Name installed a few of the Hue lightstrips as an arch to welcome people to the floor, as shown in Figure 1. I decided that if I could get the arch to reflect the color temperature from the eastern and western sides of the building, that would be a decent test.

Figure 1. Archway of light in the entrance of ITP's 370 Jay St space. A red string of lights frames the entrance way to a lobby area.

Figure 1. Archway of light in the entrance of ITP’s 370 Jay St space.

I have a few TCS34725 light sensor boards from Adafruit, which I attached to two Nano 33 IoT boards to use as my networked light sensors. Figure 2 shows one on the southeast corner of the floor, late morning, and Figure 3 shows the one on the southwest corner of the floor, same time.

Figure 2. Nano 33 IoT and light sensor on a breadboard, positioned on a windowsill, overlooking a skyline of buildings in downtown Brooklyn. Sunlight streams in through the window, and the sensor is in partial shadow from the window frame.

Figure 2. Nano 33 IoT and light sensor in a southeast window. In the morning, this sensor will be hit with direct sunlight, but for most of the day, it will be in indirect sunlight.

Figure 3. Nano 33 IoT and light sensor on a breadboard, positioned on a windowsill, overlooking a sunlit brick wall. the wall is painted a pale yellow.

Figure 3. Nano 33 IoT and light sensor in a southwest window. In the afternoon, this sensor will be hit with direct sunlight, but for most of the day, it will be in indirect sunlight. The reflection off the pale yellow wall next door will probably lower the color temperature a little.

The Circuit

The circuit is fairly simple. The sensors draw their power from the Arduino’s voltage, and the I2C pins of the sensor are connected to the I2C pins of the Arduino. The sensor’s LED pin is wired to ground, because there is a built-in LED which will turn on otherwise. Figure 4 shows the breadboard layout, and Figure 5 shows the schematic.

Figure 4. Nano 33 IoT and light sensor mounted on a breadboard. The Nano 33 IoT straddles the center of the breadboard. Its second physical pin, Vout (second from top left) is connected to the voltage bus on the left side of the breadboard. Its fourteenth physical pin, Ground, (second from bottom left) is connected to the ground bus on the left side. Table 1 lists the pin connections between the two components.

Figure 4. Nano 33 IoT and light sensor, breadboard view.

Figure 5. Nano 33 IoT and light sensor, schematic view. Table 1 lists the pin connections between the two components.

Figure 4. Nano 33 IoT and light sensor, breadboard view.

The Code

I started my code using the HueBlink example from the ArduinoHTTPClient library. I also referred to the Philips’ documentation of the Hue API. Knowing from the Hue documentation that the API uses JSON, I incorporated the Arduino_JSON library to simplify the data formatting. I also used Adafruit’s TCS34725 library for the sensor.

The pseudocode for my program is as follows:



Sensor reading:

The HTTP Request

The HTTP Request to the Hue hub to change a light looks like this:


You need to [establish a hub user name for your device]ª first, and you need to know which light you are controlling and what properties it has. For more on that, see the Hue developers site or these notes.

The body of the PUT request looks like this:

  {"on": true, 
  "bri": brightness,
  "ct": value,
  "transitiontime": fadeTime

There are other properties, depending on the type of Hue light you are using, but these are the important ones for this project.

There are two important details to the HTTP request to the Hue hub: it has to be a PUT request, and the Content-Type has to be application/json. To make this easy, my sketch takes the sensor readings and puts them in a JSON object like so:

 body["bri"] = bri;
  body["on"] = true;
  body["ct"] = mired;
  body["transitiontime"] = sendInterval / 100;

When it makes the request, it does it like so:

    // print latest reading, for reference:
      // make a String for the HTTP route:
      String route = "/api/" + hueUserName;
      route += "/lights/";
      route += lightNumber;
      route += "/state/";

      // make a PUT request:
      httpClient.put(route, contentType, JSON.stringify(body));

Those are the important parts of the communication.

That’s basically it. The full sketch can be found here. The biggest challenge was the compression of the light levels (brightness or illuminance), because the illuminance levels can go from below 20 in a dim space to over 35000 lux in full sunlight. The Hue has a 0-254 range for brightness. I derived my range by experimetation. I found that it went to about 2000 lux in indirect sunlight, so I constrained my result to 2000 points, mapped it to a 0-254 range to get a reading the Hue could accept. It’s crude, but we’ll see how it does over time.