Light Parts
This is a list of parts used in building this repository, and a few more that might be useful.
Programmable LEDs (WS2812b, SK6812, APA102C or equivalent):
LED Strips (not individually addressable):
DC power supplies:
LED standard-base 12V bulbs (G6.35 2-pin base):
Transistors. For most 12-24V sources, you’ll need transistors to control them from a microcontroller. The following transistors have been tested with the examples here:
- IRLB8721 - A MOSFET that operates well on 3.3V. Here’s its data sheet. It can switch a load up to 30V and theoretically 60A with proper head dissipation.
- FQP30N06L - Another 3.3V-tolerant MOSFET. Here’s its datasheet. This one can switch 60V and 30A.
- TIP120 This Darlington transistor, well-known in Arduino circles for switching motors, will also work for switching LED sources. Here’s its data sheet. It requires a base resistor of about 1 kilohm for the examples used here.
Tangible controls. These are included for example purposes only. You can use whatever input you want for your LED projects.
- pushbuttons - I like these ones because they fit on a breadboard well but are big enough to push in a satisfying way.
- rotary encoders - These are breadboard-friendly as well, if you bend the side tabs up.
- potentiometers - These are breadboard-friendly as well.
I tend to use the MKR series Arduinos a lot:
The AS7341 is an 11-channel spectral sensor that can detect light levels in multiple frequencies from around 400nm to 900nm. It has 8 that sense light in visible spectrum; one channel in the near infrared spectrum; one clear channel without a filter; and one channel that detects 50Hz-60Hz light flicker.