6-channel-LED - fades 6 channels of LEDs with a for loop
bitMasking - Bit masking to determine which bits of a byte are set.
bitShifting - Bit shifting to move a bit through the positions in a byte
DACAnalogWrite - Reads an analog input, uses it to set the voltage attached to the DAC on pin A0 of the SAMD-based boards.
Emic2 - examples with the Emic2 Text to Speech generator
EncoderAndButtonExample - reading a rotary encoder and its included pushbutton using Paul Stoffregen’s Encoder library.
EncoderExample - Many encoders change 4 steps per detent step. This sketch reads an encoder and prints the direction of change when it’s been turned one detent step using Paul Stoffregen’s Encoder library.
EncoderLEDControl - Reads an encoder and its pushbutton and uses the changes to control an LED.