A collection DMX-512 control examples
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DMX/sACN Intro
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Arduino DMX
Arduino sACN
JavaScript node.js sACN example
JavaScript WebSerial DMX
This project is maintained by tigoe
An example of how to send streaming ACN (sACN) from JavaScript. Here’s the link to the code.
This script uses the node-sacn library and express.js to serve a browser-based interface to control 8 channels of DMX lighting using streaming ACN (sACN). To make it work:
There are a few optional parameters you may need to change in the sACNSender object below:
The server and the client in this application communicate using a JSON object filled with the channel numbers and their levels, like so:
{1: 23, 2: 255, 3: 45, 4: 199}
There can be up to 512 channels.