Instructions on controlling the Philips Hue Hub
Processing client examples
Client-Side JavaScript Programming Notes
JavaScript client example
JavaScript minimal client example
p5.js client example
Connecting from the command line through curl
Server-Side node.js Programming Notes
node.js examples
Arduino examples
ZigBee Notes
You can connect to your Hue hub using a command line interface as well, with the curl program, as mentioned above. For example, here’s how you’d create a new user using curl:
Enter the following on the command line, replacing $ADDR with your hub’s IP address:
$ curl -X POST -d '{"devicetype":"my app"}' http://$ADDR/api
You can use any value you want for devicetype. Press the link button on the hub BEFORE YOU HIT ENTER on this command, then hit enter. You should get a response like this:
"success": {
"username": "newusername"
Now you’re ready to write code for your hub. Regardless of what environment you’re programming in, you’ll use the username you established here.